With the weather continuing to be miserable, it has many of us turning our sights to sunnier climes. The promise of warm weather, sun, and the sea is an appealing prospect and it’s always good to have something in the calendar to look forward to. If you are thinking about booking a summer holiday, there are a few different things to consider before you do so. Not only do you want to get the best deal, but you then need to think about your holiday prep – all of which is exciting but needs to be planned. Here we have put together some top tips to get ready for your summer holiday to ensure you have the best time.

Consider where you want to go

With the whole world at your fingertips, sometimes the trickiest part of going on a summer holiday is choosing where you want to go. Think about the different destinations and what they have to offer. Many places around the globe offer similar experiences such as white sandy beaches and beautiful weather, but some might be pricier than others, have a better reputation, or require less to enter the country. It might be for some places you need to get vaccines to enter and others might require a specific visa. Look up the average weather for the time of year you’re planning your vacation too as you don’t want to head the wrong time of year and be greeted with unexpected rain every day!

Work on your beach body

Winter is a time for feasting on delicious food, drinking at the many social occasions that throw themselves at you, and relaxing away from the cold weather beyond. While this is all well and good, it can also mean that you put on a bit of weight and aren’t quite in the shape you want to be for the summer. If you want to feel your best in a bikini (though there is no pressure to do so!) It’s a good idea to get your beach body ready in advance. This way you can do it in a much healthier way rather than starving yourself and causing yourself to lose too much weight too quickly. 

As well as going to the gym and eating well, you could look into body contouring or body sculpting to give you the figure you want. Emsculpt expert Dr. Arash Akhavan specializes in this area and offers Emsculpt NEO which is the only FDA cleared device to effectively and consistently destroy fat while building muscle. This clever technology is ideal for getting you the body of your dreams. Treatments require no downtime, are relatively painless, and leave you with fantastic results.

Think about the accommodation you want

There are a host of accommodation types you can book when you go abroad and they all suit different purposes. Hotels are a great option if you’re looking for something where you can just forget the stresses of everyday life and have everything from the cooking and cleaning done for you. If you want a bit more freedom, renting a villa or apartment can be a good shout. This way get your own private spaces and can enjoy time with just your party or those you’ve booked with. You could also look into camping if you’re someone that likes the outdoors, or perhaps an RV or motorhome rental if you want to be more on the open road and enjoy a road trip. Consider the different costs, practicalities, and what you are looking for from your trip before you book anywhere.

Do your research ahead of time and look at reviews

One of the biggest mistakes people make when booking in for their holidays is not doing enough research. This advice spans from your accommodation to any activities or excursions you plan to do as sometimes things aren’t quite what they seem online. Once you have found the place you are looking to stay, or the activity you want to do, look them up on sites such as TripAdvisor or check their google reviews. It’s also worth doing some research and finding them on social media pages such as Instagram and Facebook. This way you can see real photos from people visiting and know that they are legitimate. Not only do reviews give you peace of mind, but they also can help you get tips and advice for your visit.

Decide how long you want to go for

The length of a trip can be a big factor in the cost, where you go, and what you do when you are there. If you are looking for a city break then often a long weekend is enough to do all you want to. If you want a beach holiday with a bit of sightseeing thrown in, chances are you’re going to want to go for longer. With a limited number of days of holiday in a year, you need to think about whether you want to go on multiple trips or combine your days for one longer vacation. Some package holidays only offer for a certain amount of days, while airlines might only fly in and out of certain countries on specific days. This could mean you have to go a day or two longer or shorter than you might have preferred. It can also be that the cost of staying a few nights longer doesn’t really go up that much and it’s worth you booking in for the extra time.

Go holiday clothes shopping

Once you’ve got the body you’ve been after, it’s time to go holiday clothes shopping! For many, this is one of the most fun parts in the build up to your trip away. Why not get together with the people you are going away with and all head to the shops to purchase some new clothes? Think carefully about what you will be doing when you are there and what budget you have to spend. If you’re going somewhere hot where you will mostly be relaxing by a pool, don’t worry too much about outfits for the day. Instead, look for pieces such as pool cover-ups that you can throw on when heading for lunch. You will need some nice things to wear in the evenings and also an outfit that’s comfortable for the plane journey over. 

Purchase new luggage

Your luggage is one of the most important aspects of your trip and this can keep you organized and all your belongings protected. Some people like to bring matching luggage sets, while others just want something small and light that’s easy to carry around. It’s a good idea to check with your airline to find out what your baggage allowance is, you might only be able to take a bag to put under the seat in front of you, or you might be allowed one for the hold. Always measure the size of your bags before you go to check they’ll fit the restrictions and weigh them to make sure they aren’t too heavy!

Don’t forget your travel insurance

Travel insurance is another vital thing to remember for your holiday as this can cover you if anything is to go wrong. While you hope this never happens, if you experience something such as falling ill, your flight getting delayed or canceled, or issues with your luggage, your insurance will cover you. Make sure you read through your policy carefully so that it covers all you need. If you travel a lot, it can be a good idea to get a yearly policy that will cover you for all the trips you take.

Make the most of your time at the airport 

Why delay the holiday celebrations until you reach your hotel? Instead, make the most of your time at the airport to prolong your trip. Why not head for dinner and get the bubbles in? You could book yourselves into an airport lounge for more comfort and take some time to look around the shops and purchase something new to enjoy on your holiday. It’s a great way to get excited about your upcoming trip!

These are just a few top tips that should help you get ready for your summer holiday and make the most of it once you are away. Going away is the highlight of the calendar for many so you want to ensure that you really enjoy every second – including the build up. There are so many different types of holidays you can go on, from a hiking trip to a summer holiday by the pool or a surfing beach break. Think carefully about what you want from your trip, who you are going with, and where you want to go. Ensure you do your research thoroughly and find a place that will suit all of your party. Are you heading on holiday in the near future? If so, what are some things you like to consider before you go? Let us know in the comments below, we’d love to hear from you.

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