“Time blindness” is a term that has gained popularity online recently. It refers to the common struggle many people have with perceiving the passage of time accurately. Psychologist Dr. Jill Grimes helped introduce this concept back in 2022, explaining it like this:

Many of us feel like we’re constantly racing against the clock. We tell ourselves, “Where did the time go?” Hours, days, weeks can slip by without us realizing it.

Why does time seem to speed up as we get older? Theories suggest our brains encode fewer new memories as adults, making time feel like it’s flying. Or life’s daily routines lack distinction, blurring days together.

Regardless of cause, time blindness is real for so many. We misjudge how long tasks will take or underestimate how much time has passed. Appointments sneak up on us, deadlines pass unnoticed.

Time blindness can lead to tardiness and missed opportunities. But self-awareness is power – just naming this tendency creates space for strategies. Using alarms, lists, and reminders can provide structure. Savoring special moments may stretch time perceptually.

Have compassion for yourself and others if time escapes you. We all experience time’s fleetingness occasionally. With understanding and adaptability, we can take back some control and presence.

Time blindness has sparked much online discussion lately. From Dr. Jill Grimes’ insights to a TikToker asking for workplace accommodations, I wanted to understand this common struggle.

So I interviewed two experts:

  • Dr. Jill Grimes, a family physician with over 30 years of experience. She offers clinical knowledge of time blindness.
  • Simone Saunders, a trauma therapist and founder of The Cognitive Corner. She provides a human perspective on living with time blindness.

Combining medical expertise with personal experience paints a holistic picture. Dr. Grimes brings the science. Simone Saunders relates the real-life impact and coping strategies.

My goal was getting to the bottom of time blindness through diverse lenses. Blending clinical facts, social media chatter, and human narratives creates a thorough understanding.

I hope examining time blindness from all angles benefits others feeling overwhelmed by its effects. This research sheds light on a prevalent yet rarely discussed phenomenon that many endure in silence.

Let me summarize the key points about time blindness from Dr. Jill Grimes:

First, it’s not an official diagnosis, but rather a symptom some people experience.

As Dr. Grimes explained, time blindness refers to struggling in two main ways:

  1. Inability to estimate how long tasks will take. We might underestimate or overestimate how long something will really take us.
  2. Inability to notice time passing when hyper-focused on something. We get so absorbed in an activity that hours can fly by unrealized.

So in essence, time blindness makes it hard to gauge the passage of time accurately. We misperceive how long activities will take or how much time has gone by.

Dr. Grimes’ straightforward definition provides clarity on this confusing symptom. While not a distinct disorder, time blindness is clearly a real phenomenon that many readers likely experience themselves. I know I can relate! Understanding it better empowers us to find strategies.

Simone Saunders explained that time blindness often occurs with neurodevelopmental disorders affecting executive functioning. These key brain skills help us plan, prioritize, concentrate, problem-solve, manage time, and regulate emotions.

Disorders like ADHD can impair executive function. This makes tasks like estimating time, staying focused, and managing emotions difficult. Essentially, the brain struggles with complex thinking skills needed to perceive time accurately and use it effectively.

Saunders provides useful context that time blindness stems from underlying issues with executive function. It’s not due to laziness or lack of care. When core thinking skills are impaired, tasks like tracking time don’t come easily.

This insight helps remove stigma around time blindness. It’s a real symptom causing struggles for many. With compassion and the right adaptations, its impact can be minimized. There is hope, even if it may require working differently than comes naturally.

Saunders explains she only perceives two time frames – “now” and “not now.” She struggles to sense gradations in between. This makes planning ahead very difficult.

To help, Saunders uses Alexa reminders constantly. Otherwise, time escapes her. Alarms at frequent intervals also provide needed structure when going somewhere.

Additionally, Saunders avoids anything fun or stimulating right before appointments. Activities like Netflix make time vanish for her. Depriving herself of pleasure is the only way to stay focused on getting ready.

Saunders models acceptance of her time blindness challenges. Her vulnerability shows this is a real issue deserving compassion, not judgment. Her coping strategies demonstrate that with self-awareness and support, time blindness can be managed. There is hope.

We all experience distortions in how we perceive time occasionally. But for some like Saunders, it profoundly impacts everyday life. Understanding that struggle is the first step to finding solutions.

Dr. Grimes and Simone Saunders both affirm anyone can experience time blindness occasionally. As Dr. Grimes explained, we’ve all felt time “fly by when having fun.” However, people with ADHD tend to hyperfocus more intensely, losing track of time.

While universal, time blindness is often lifelong for those with neurodevelopmental disorders like ADHD. As Saunders notes, they require ongoing adaptations, not just temporary fixes.

Yet whether mild or severe, support and solutions exist. As Dr. Grimes suggests, use tools like calendars, timers, and checklists to stay on track. Seek professional guidance to find personalized strategies too.

With self-compassion, we can acknowledge time blindness as a real struggle, not a personal failing. Reaching out for help shows strength. Trial and error leads to what works for each individual.

I hope anyone who resonates with this experience feels empowered, not alone. Together we can develop insights and systems to navigate time blindness. Our brains may work differently, but joy and success remain possible with the right adaptations.

Time blindness is often misperceived as laziness or lack of discipline. But in reality, it stems from neurological differences – not choices or moral failings.

As therapist Simone Saunders notes, combining awareness, accountability, and support minimizes time blindness’ impact. Compassion, not criticism, enables positive change.

Additionally, many assume those with time blindness can focus “just fine” on preferred activities like video games. However, as Dr. Grimes explains, their brains are simply wired differently. Time perception and attention regulation don’t work the same.

Rather than harsh judgments, time blindness deserves understanding. Our brains vary – some naturally struggle with certain tasks. But with the right adaptations, we can play to our strengths while developing skills that are hard.

Progress happens through patience, not pressure. If you relate to time blindness, don’t despair – help exists. Be kind to yourself as you find what works for you. You have a unique and gifted mind.

I appreciate Dr. Grimes sharing practical tips for managing time blindness. Visual timers can provide needed structure for seated tasks where time often escapes us. Simply watching a clock often doesn’t work when hyperfocused.

Timers that visibly count down time remaining can enhance awareness of passing minutes. For those who learn visually, this tool can gently jolt us out of time distortion.

Dr. Grimes also advises timing yourself doing regular activities. Being unaware how long routine tasks take contributes to lateness. Discover your personal pace for common chores.

Practice builds familiarity until estimating time required becomes more automatic. Be patient – retraining the brain takes repetition. But each effort brings you closer to gaining control.

Experiment to find what clicks. Tailor tactics to your needs and preferences. See every success as progress. You have inner strengths; build on them. There is hope in the struggle.

Let me condense those helpful suggestions from Dr. Grimes:

To build time awareness, literally time yourself doing daily tasks for a week. Record how long each takes, like:

  • Driving routes
  • Making meals
  • Showering
  • Walking the dog

Refer back to the list to better estimate time required.

Also, prepare everything the night before – clothes, lunch, work items. Have it all waiting by the door.

Use a whiteboard checklist to review each morning. Visually verifying your tasks before walking out prevents forgetting.

Developing personalized data plus consistent routines minimizes the struggles of time blindness. Experiment to find what sticks – every strategy tried brings you closer.

With compassion for yourself, you can gain control bit by bit. Don’t lose hope. Consistent effort pays off. You’ve got this!

Dr. Grimes recommends using checklist apps like Me+ to stay organized. Helpful technology tools can augment personal systems.

Simone Saunders also notes medication, when appropriate, can aid those with ADHD and time blindness. But practical strategies remain crucial too.

Useful tactics include:

  • Multiple alarm clocks
  • Daily task lists
  • Consistent routines
  • Addressing related anxiety

With compassion for yourself, experiment to find the right blend of lifestyle adaptations, technology, and professional support. Everyone’s perfect formula is different.

The goal is mitigating the impact of time blindness, not curing it. Success comes from self-awareness and consistently implementing what works for you. Patience through trial and error brings progress.

You’ve got this! With the right mix of tools, you can thrive with time blindness. Take it one step at a time.

*Reminder – always consult a doctor before starting any new medication.

I’m thrilled we’re giving more attention to misunderstood issues like time blindness. As therapist Simone Saunders said, openly discussing these experiences is so important.

The more we understand our personal symptoms and challenges, the better we can adapt. Learning from each other’s stories allows us to feel less alone. There is comfort and power in shared wisdom.

Each small step to minimize time blindness’ daily impact is progress to celebrate. Have patience, stay determined, and don’t give up hope. With the right mix of self-knowledge, tools and support, you can take control bit by bit.

I know at times the struggle can feel endless, but you have inner strengths and abilities. Focus on using those to your advantage. You are not defined by limitations. With self-compassion and creativity, you will find what works for you!

Want to learn more?

Follow therapist Simone Saunders on social media or visit her website and The Cognitive Corner for helpful resources.

Dr. Jill Grimes also shares great content on TikTok, Instagram and Twitter. Explore her website and check out her book for clinical insight.

Experts like these provide community, compassion and practical tools. You don’t have to navigate time blindness alone.

Support exists in many forms. Reach out and find what resonates with you. Experiment until you discover the right mix of strategies tailored to your needs.

You have the power to take control of your time blindness, bit by bit. Each small step brings you closer to success. Stay patient with yourself, and don’t give up hope! Brighter days lie ahead.

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